Medication & Related Items
Learn about the latest and greatest studies on medication and products to help you take your medication. Learn about useful tools to help manage your medication.
Have Questions?
Although we can't offer recommendations for medical products on the web, we can provide education information on medical devices and medication. Let us know if you have any questions regarding your medicine.
About Axona
Axona is a food product that provides vital ketones that diet and exercise cannot provide. Alzheimer's disease can disrupt the body's ability to recognize its need for keytones and glucose in brain cells. Keytones created via Axona are made in the liver and trasported to the brain and provide energy similarly to glucose. Keytones can fuel memory and cognition with those with Alzheimer's.
Information about the new prescription drug coverage and an online application for Extra Help, which helps patients pay for their medical needs.
Families USA Medicare Drug Coverage Center
Families USA Medicare Drug Coverage Center helps consumers navigate the Medicare Drug Benefit. This resource features a Q&A and other links to help patients understand the Medicare Drug Benefit.
Prescription Medications for Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s Association of WNY provides a short list of useful websites that can help you find the right medication or treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
About Neupro
Neupro (Rotigotine Transdermal System) is a patch that is used to treat the signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and moderate-to-severe primary Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
ePill Devices
Avoid medication errors with electronic medication dispenser machines. ePill.com offers cheap to state-of-the-art medication machines ranging from vibrating watches to tamper-proof dispensers with security locks. Never forget to take your medication again.
Access to Benefits Coalition
Access to Benefits Coalition (ABC) helps users understand the potential advantages of Medicare prescription coverage and that Medicare beneficiaries with limited means know about and make the best use of all available resources for accessing prescription drugs and reducing their costs.
University of Maryland Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide
An alternative medicine guide provided by the University of Maryland Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This guide contains information and additional links and resources ranging from common conditions, drugs, herbs, other supplements and treatments.