About Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that results from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. Early in the course of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are movement-related including shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking. Later, cognitive and behavioral problems may arise, with dementia commonly occurring in the advanced stages of the disease. Other symptoms can arise such as sleep and emotional problems.
Four motor symptoms are used to diagnose Parkinson's disease: tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and postural instability. PD can cause psychiatric disturbances that effect cognition, mood, behavior, and thought. It can also impair other body functions such as sleep and cause daytime drowsiness, disturbances in REM sleep, insomnia, low blood pressure upon standing, oily skin, excessive sweating, urinary incontinence, and altered sexual function.
Parkinson’s disease traditionally has been considered a non-genetic disorder. Strangely, around 15% of individuals with PD have a first-degree relative who has the disease. There is no cure, but medications, surgery, and management can provide relief from the symptoms.
Deep Brain Stimulation
Deep brain stimulation is a popular and effective treatment for Parkinson's disease. Learn more about it by clicking the button below.

Educational WebsitesNational Institute of Environmental Health Science - Parkinson’s Disease Want to learn about what the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is doing to further Parkinson’s Disease research while look into current studies? The NIEHS offers a plethora of links and documents for visitors to visit and learn from. 23 and Me - Genetic Testing Approximately 1.5 million Americans have the disease. About 50,000 new patients are diagnosed each year. Though very little is known about the genetics of Parkinson's, mutations in a gene known as LRRK2 have been found to greatly increase a person's likelihood of developing the condition. You can purchase an "Odds Calculator" kit from their store to determine if you are at risk of getting Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's Action Network PAN is a unified voice for the Parkinson’s community. They advocate for better treatments and promote the search for a cure of Parkinson's disease. In partnership with other Parkinson’s organizations and our powerful grassroots network, they educate the public and government leaders about how to improve the quality of lives for those with Parkinson's disease. Other Parkinson's Disease SitesParkinson's Disease News Parkinson's Disease News covers all significant new research, reports, and bookstand resources concerning Parkinson's disease. Articles are chosen on the basis of their medical significance and potential interest. Our overwhelming priority is the facts, regardless of whether they contradict prevailing views or vested interests. Analysis and further information are provided either to explain the background or implications, or to balance misleading claims. LSVT Global, Inc LSVT Global aims to provide solutions to those affected by Parkinson's disease as well as aging, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. They specialize in the development of innovative and effective treatments for the speech communication and physical therapy requirements of those with these afflictions. The Cure Parkinson's Trust Over the past five years, The Cure Parkinson's Trust have been bridging gaps in communication and have forged increasingly effective partnerships between neurologists, scientists, regulators, the pharmaceutical industry, and those who live with the condition. They believe the science is out there to make a real breakthrough in the treatment of Parkinson’s and constantly strive to ensure that the pace of transition from science to clinic is not hampered for reasons of excessive regulation or viability. The Cure Parkinson’s Trust engages with all key players in the Parkinson’s community, and by encouraging constructive teamwork, they can and do make real impact on the pace of progress. Dakim Brain Fitness (Product) Their goal is to give every senior the essential tools to maintain their brain health in order to get the most out of life and help prevent the threat of memory loss. The founder was motivated by his father’s 13-year struggle with Alzheimer’s to create a brain fitness program that actively counteracts the process of age-related cognitive depreciation. Inspired by numerous studies showing both the effects of mental exercise on brain functionality and the need for exercise to be fun and engaging to maximize effectiveness, he set out to create a comprehensive brain fitness program that would be enjoyable enough to become part of a daily routine. Parkinson's Disease OrganizationsMuhammad Ali Parkinson Center Movement Disorder Clinic The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center and Movement Disorders Clinic is a National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence, and a wonderful resource for people with Parkinson's and their families. The Center was established in 1997 by Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Walker, a Phoenix philanthropist, and Dr. Abraham Lieberman. They currently host support groups, educational classes, research studies, assistance programs, conferences, and recreational programs. Park Davis Phinney Foundation Understanding that people with Parkinson’s need help managing the disease, the Park Davis Phinney Foundation’s mission is to sponsor programs that provide information and tools for Parkinson’s disease patients. In 2010, they invested a million dollars supporting the distribution of Parkinson’s disease research and information. Parkinson's Association of San Diego The Parkinson’s Association of San Diego, a non-profit organization, provides education, family services, and support for those with Parkinson’s in the San Diego area. Some of the programs they offer are workshops, support groups, symposia, and an educational website. Their goal is to improve the quality of the lives of the 60,000 individuals who are effected by Parkinson’s disease in San Diego. Parkinson's Association of Northern California Parkinson Association of Northern California helps those with Parkinson’s disease in the Sacramento area (California). Michael J. Fox Foundation The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease with aggressively funded research and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today. They believe that their goal is within reach, but they need your help and contributions to keep the fight going. The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation (BSDPF) was founded in 1995 as a nonprofit by Louis Bachmann and Bonnie Strauss. The Foundation was started to encourage new research and scientists in the fields of dystonia and Parkinson disease, and to heighten awareness about the diseases. Parkinson's Disease Foundation The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) is a leading national presence in Parkinson’s disease research, education and public advocacy. They are working for the nearly one million people in the U.S. who live with Parkinson’s by funding promising scientific research to find the causes of and a cure for Parkinson's while supporting people with the disease, their families and caregivers through educational programs and support services. They often fund scientific research to further the understanding of Parkinson's. Parkinson's Resource Organization Parkinson’s Resource Organization is a non-profit charitable organization that provides group and individual support to those making the journey through Parkinson’s disease. Funding for their programs comes primarily from donations, fund-raiser events throughout the year, and carefully screened corporate sponsors and civic grants. They have a nice weblog, which allows you to stay up-to-date on the latest Parkinson's disease research. National Parkinson Foundation The economic burden of Parkinson’s disease in the U.S. is estimated to be $6 billion annually. The National Parkinson Foundation has worked to address the unmet needs in Parkinson's care and treatment for the past 50 years. NPF works hard to improve the quality of Parkinson's care through research, education, and outreach. Their goal is to improve the quality of care for every person diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. American Parkinson Disease Association The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) is the country’s largest grass roots organization serving the Parkinson’s community. They contribute more than $2.5 million for research and another $2 million for direct patient and caregiver support through the generous support of individual and corporate donations. You can easily donate (on their website) to support their goal of finding a cure for Parkinson's disease. National Parkinson’s Foundation - Living with PD
Program 101
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