Movement Disorder Specialists   -

Pasadena, CA

About ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is one of the most common disorders that children and adults experience alike. ADHD's symptoms include difficulty focusing and controlling behavior. Their impulsive actions and hyperactivity are more extreme than their peers. Genetics, environmental factors, and brain injuries can all lead to a ADHD diagnosis. While diet can effect ADHD symtoms, sugar has not been associated with hyperactivity.
Neuropsychological Evaluation
A Neuropsychological evaluation is conducted by a clinical neuropsychologist with specialized training in the science of brain behavior. The typical evaluation includes a review of medical records, behavioral observations, one hour clinical interview, and multiple standardized assessment measures (paper and pencil tasks, verbally mediated tasks and functional tasks) that are designed to explore the integrity of, or potential compromise of, specific brain structures or systems. The evaluation also includes a written evaluation, feedback session, and a consultation with a patient’s professional and/or medical team regarding the clinical findings.

Benefits of having a Neuropsychological for individuals with ADHD
A comprehensive neuropsychological will be able to identify the cognitive strengths and weaknesses and rule in or out the diagnosis of ADHD. This evaluation can be useful for adolescents and adults who are seeking accommodations at work or in school (i.e., high school, college, law school, grad school). For example, they may seek extra time on exams, priority registration, access to a note-taker, and private room for test taking. In addition, a neuropsychological evaluation can identify the person’s learning style and the neuropsychologist can make recommendations on how to improve attention, focus, and memory skills.
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