Movement Disorder Specialists   -

Pasadena, CA


—  headaches that affect one half of the head. They are pulsating and nauseating in nature.
Patients: Please provide your medical history, medication history, and a list of your current allergies when scheduling an appointment with SoCalMDS

About Migraines

Chronic migraine is a distinct and severe neurological disorder impacting an estimated 3.2 million Americans. The disorder is characterized by patients who have a history of migraine and suffer from headaches on 15 or more days per month with headaches lasting four hours a day or longer. It is estimated that approximately 80 percent of those whose symptoms meet the definition of chronic migraine have not received an accurate diagnosis and, as a result, may be unaware of their treatment options. This may be due to mischaracterization of chronic migraine as a less severe headache disorder.

Although chronic migraine occurs in both men and women, women are three times more likely than men to suffer from migraines. Sufferers often experience depression and anxiety as part of the condition. Chronic migraine also can be influenced by life stress, sleep habits, diet, and overuse of acute medications that relieve pain associated with symptoms of headache.

The typical migraine headache affects one half of the head and is pulsating in nature. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, and increased sensitivity to sound. The symptoms are generally aggravated by routine activity. Approximately one-third of people who suffer from migraine headaches perceive an aura before their migraine. An aura can be a transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disturbance.

Find an Allergist

Allergies are known to be the causes of migraines and/or can make migraines and headaches worse. Through the AAAAI (Allergy Asthma & Immunology) website you can find a local allergist to prevent and help migraines. The AAAAI is an organization comprised of 6,500 allergists and immunologists.

  • Types of headaches

  • Migraine +/- Aura
  • Cluster Headache
  • Tension Headache
  • Sinus Headaches
  • Ophthalmic Migraine
  • Hemiplegic/Complex Migraine
  • Vertebro-Basilar Migraine
  • Chronic Daily Headache
  • Paroxysmal Hemicrania
  • Hemicrania Continua
  • Post-Traumatic Headaches
  • Menstrual Migraines
  • Post-Coital (After Sex) Headaches
  • Headaches due to Hypertension, Depression, TMJ, Allergies, Cervical Dystonia, Neck Pain, etc.
We custom therapies for each patient and offer a holistic approach, as well as, traditional medicine. Our headache team includes, a Board Certified Neurologist, Allergist and Sleep Physician, Certified Nutritionist, Dentists, Physical therapist, Acupuncturist, Physiologist specializing in Neurobiofeedback, Neuropsychologist specializing in cognitive and behavioral therapy and ENT physicians.

Dr. Lisk is a board certified neurologist and has done a Headache Preceptorship at Scripps Clinic under Dr. Andrew Blumenfeld. Our clinic also has more experience with and injects more Botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport and Myobloc) than anyone else in the San Gabriel Valley.

Nutritional Therapy

A detailed dietary consult is done including, migraine food triggers and other alternative medicine and holistic therapies to treat migraine.

Sleep Disorders

We treat sleep apnea and other sleep disorders that can cause migraine. Other causes such as deviated septum, medications, etc. A Board Certified Sleep Physician will evaluate those patient with sleep disorders. We also focus on sleep hygiene and holistic methods to improve sleep.


A comprehensive workup is done by our board certified allergist including skin testing for environmental allergens, allergies to foods or pets. For those with Sinus disease or other disorders of the head and neck are evaluated by a board certified ENT physician.


Dr. Gary Dermerjian and Dr. Lena Zerounian both specialize in treating craniofacial pain and TMJ. They also builds custom mouth appliances for sleep apnea and nocturnal teeth grinding (Nocturnal Bruxism).


The Neurobiofeedback and Neurorehab institute is our partner in treating migraines located on the same floor as our clinic. Follow this link to see a detailed list of their staff.

Dr. Victoria Ibric uses NeuroDynamic Activator that is the newest pROSHI trainer.

Migraines can also be characterized in terms of flexibility and resiliency. Migraine headaches can usually be attributed to some triggering event such as a particular food or stress. The brain reacts to the trigger. ROSHI training may reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches by promoting resilience and flexibility. Improving resilience reduces the chance that the brain will "react" and "improving flexibility" allows the brain to move back into a balanced state more quickly. Many migraine suffers find, not only are the number of migraines reduced (increased resiliency), but that when warning symptoms begin, indicating that a migraine is about to start, a migraine episodemay never occur (increased flexibility).

Downloadable Informational Documents on Migraines

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Phone Applications

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iManage Migraine App

iManage Migraine provides a comprehensive suite of educational tools, real-time tracking, and analytic capabilities to enable you to better understand and manage your personal migraine experience.

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iMensies (Period Calendar)

iMensies is a great app for tracking and planning your monthly cycle, as well as any other reproductive health related information, doctor's appointments and other events.

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iPeriod Ultimate (Menstrual Calendar)

iPeriod’s beautiful calendar makes it easy for you to view your menstrual cycles at a glance. It’s complete with emoticons, icons symbolizing your symptoms, expected periods, fertile days, ovulation and weight.

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iHeadache - Free Migraine Diary App

Do you suffer from recurring headaches? iHeadache help you to keep track of your headaches, disability, medications taken, and triggers.

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Stacks Image 5844's Allergy Alert

Allergy Alert keeps the allergy-suffering public up to date with the nation's leading pollen and allergy forecast. Stay informed of other environment factors like asthma index, ultraviolet, and cold and cough.

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iBP Blood Pressure

iBP is a blood pressure tracking and analysis tool. iBP uses color icons to indicate when your blood pressure values are normal, high, or hypertension while providing interactive graphs that display your values by weeks, months, year and time.

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